What tickets do I buy?  

If you’re wishing to exhibit your vehicle (and remember – all vehicles are welcome and we love variety – so don’t be shy!), the ticket you need to buy is the Exhibitor Ticket and for any passengers, the Exhibitor Passenger ticket.  

If you wish to display in the Vanden Plas area, which is the main display area, please click the ‘Register vehicle’ button below and fill out the form in addition to purchasing an Exhibitor ticket. Please note, that all exhibitor vehicles will be very much part of the event wherever you’re parked, so if you’re not in VDP you’ll still be having a brilliant time!  

If you are not wanting to exhibit, you can purchase a Visitor Ticket. We encourage everyone to buy their tickets as soon as possible as the last show sold out and we’d love to have you there with us!  

How much do tickets cost?  

Great news, we have kept the ticket prices at the same price as our spring show! All ticket prices are determined by British Motor Museum.

TicketAdvancedOn the day
Exhibitor (inc. vehicle display) £11N/A
Exhibitor passenger (Adult) £11N/A
Exhibitor passenger (Child aged 5 – 16 years)  £7N/A
Visitor Adult£16£19
Visitor Concession£14£17
Visitor Child (Child aged 5 – 16 years)£9£10
Family (2 adults/concessions and up to 3 children)£43£49
Children under 5 FreeFree
For queries on all ticket types or eligibility, please contact the British Motor Museum directly.

Please note, all tickets must be purchased through the British Motor Museum. Tickets are not available through any other retailers.  

Ticketing Questions

Are traders able to buy tickets?  
For all trade enquiries, please email hello@rustival.co.uk  

Help – I’ve lost my ticket!  
For lost or mislaid ticket enquiries, including deleted emails, please contact the British Motor Museum on 01926 641188 

I have a question about tickets  
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to email us on hello@rustival.co.uk